
A Holistic Approach to Ransomware Classification: Leveraging Static and Dynamic Analysis with Visualization

This is my personal note about the paper. https://www.mdpi.com/2078-2489/15/1/46


This paper suggests a holistic approach to ransomware classification by static analysis, dynamic analysis and visualization techniques.


  1. Comparative analysis of infection behaviors across various ransomware families.
  2. Utilization of data visualization methods for the identification of similar ransomware samples within extensive datasets.
  3. Employing a similarity matrix approach for the analysis of static and dynamic features in ransomware samples.
  4. Assessment of the merits and limitations associated with static and dynamic feature analysis.
  5. Comprehensive survey and comparative evaluation of varied ransomware detection approaches, alongside an in-depth exploration of the ransomware detection ecosystem.
  6. Development and proposal of an automated methodology for extracting diverse feature sets from ransomware samples.


Interesting points


The paper looked like a good overview of ransomware categories.


In conclusion, our proposed comprehensive approach for ransomware classification is an effective and efficient method for accurately classifying and clustering ransomware samples.